Store walkthrough
Store managers, leads, and associates use Microsoft Teams to easily communicate with each other and perform everyday tasks and special projects.
A day in the life of store managers, leads, and associates using Microsoft Teams
8:00 am
Carlos, the Store Manager, posts an announcement about the new holiday promotion and store display changes.
9:00 am
Kyle, the Lead Associate, performs a store walkthrough using the Inspection app to assess the changes needed for the holiday display and assigns the tasks using the To Do/Tasks app.
2:00 pm
While working on the holiday inventory task, Kyana realizes there’s missing inventory and
uses the Walkie Talkie app to communicate quickly to the stockroom.
2:30 pm
In the stockroom, Douglas confirms that while the full shipment arrived this morning, some of the promotional items were damaged, and submitted the update through the Issue Reporting app.
Following week

Once the damaged items are replaced and the holiday display change is completed, Kyle completes another store walkthrough and submits the results in the Inspection app.

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