Sales guide
Meet Amal. He works from his home office in Miami as a sales rep for a large German drug company. To be productive and save time, he uses Microsoft Search and Office 365.
Download PDF versionA day in the life of a sales representative using Microsoft Search
8:00 am
Amal starts his day by joining a Teams meeting to learn about the newest drug his company is offering.
9:00 am
He has a meeting at a new doctor’s office today. He preps by researching the doctor and her clinic on Bing.
10:00 am
Amal checks Bing Maps and sees there’s an accident on the way. It offers a route that’ll get him there on time.
10:30 am
The doctor has a question about a drug during the meeting. Amal searches his conversations and gets the answer.
12:00 pm
The sales call went well. He searches Bing for a lunch spot nearby where he can grab a bite and do some work.
12:30 pm
Sales numbers should be out now. He searches for the sales report file—he hit his monthly quota a week early.
1:00 pm
Walking to his car, Amal passes a clinic. After a quick web search for the doctor, he decides to leave his card.
2:30 pm
Back at home for a sales meeting, someone uses an acronym he doesn’t know. A work search gets him up to speed.
3:30 pm
Samples have usually arrived by now. Did someone take them? He tracks the package on Bing—it’s on the way. Phew!
5:00 pm
Amal’s boss messages with kudos on hitting his quota. Looks like the promo to lead SE sales is in the bag.
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Microsoft Search in Bing brings you the best of the web and work in a single experience.