Human Resources (HR) Manager guide
Sean works in Human Resources for Contoso Brands, a large consumer goods company. He is in charge of putting together networking events for the company, as well as managing the early stage recruiting process for the summer intern program.
Download PDF versionA day in the life of a human resources manager using Microsoft Lists
8:30 am
As he drinks his morning coffee on his front porch, Sean clicks on the Lists tab in his team’s Microsoft Teams channel called “Summer Networking Event”. The list was created in Teams using the ready-made Work progress tracker template to track responsibilities for the event.
9:00 am
Looking through the tracker, Sean notices that an item on the list labeled “Book event space” is highlighted yellow at the top, meaning the due date for the item is today
11:00 am
Sean sends a chat to his coworker for information about a nearby event space. With their recommendation, he books it. Sean updates progress from “Not started” to “Completed” and adds the booking details and contact information to the item.
11:30 am
It’s time to prepare for a phone screen interview with a candidate applying for a summer internship. Sean opens the “Intern Recruitment” list in the recruiting Teams channel and searches the candidates’ names to bring up her details. He reviews the resume attached to the list item. The interview goes well, and Sean decides to move the candidate to the next round.
12:00 pm
Sean opens the candidate’s details in the recruitment list and adds Jane to the list item as the hiring manager for the next interview round. He opens a chat window alongside the list and @mentions Jane, asking her to check her schedule for availability. She replies that she has time next week and will reach out to the candidate to schedule an interview
12:30 pm
During a Lunch and Learn about creating effective events, Sean learns that an afternoon snack break is crucial for re-energizing attendees during long events. He thinks this is a great idea and decides to incorporate it in the networking event.
2:00 pm
Sean adds an item titled “Order snack basket” to his Summer Networking Event list and sets the due date to next week. He adds himself as the owner.
4:00 pm
After receiving an email notifying him that the “Interview date” column in the Intern Recruitment list has been updated, Sean opens the list to see that Jane has scheduled an interview next week.
5:00 pm
As he wraps up for the day, Sean sends a registration form for the networking event to prospective attendees. He pulls up the Summer Networking Event list and updates the progress column for the “Amplify registration form” item to “Completed”
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Microsoft Lists is a Microsoft 365 app that helps you track information and organize work.